Friday, June 13, 2008

My People Perish For Lack Of Knowledge

If we've been given every blessing in Christ Jesus then we have no reason not to know the wisdom and the discernment of God. The Word of God says that we are to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. We are to be a workmen unto God rightly dividing the truth. We are to be instant in and out of due season. If we can't spend time in the Word of God and pray how will we know the things of God? Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Our faith cannot grow without being in prayer, and without meditating on the Word of God. Oh that we would be like Jeremiah and have that fire shut up in our bones! That we would be so full of zealousness towards spending time with the Lord. That we would be prayed up, fasted up, and ready to give a Word in due season. We must be ready to fight off all the arrows of the evil one, we must daily apply the full armor of God. Having the helmet of salvation on, and the breastplate of righteousness, and the belt of truth and the gospel of Christ on our feet. That we would take up the sword of the spirit, and the shield of faith and that we would shod our feet with the gospel of peace. We must be diligent in the things of God. We must always stand in Ephesians chapter 6 we have the chapter talking on the full armor of God. I pray that we will not be slack in applying this every day to our lives. It is so important to as it will protect us in the time of the enemy's attacks. I am standing, and having done all to stand. STAND!